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"It is my pleasure to recommend Julie Hersh as a public speaker. She is well qualified to speak on the topics of depression and suicidal behavior. She is knowledgeable about contemporary psychiatric treatments and has been diligent in seeking information from medical experts in psychiatric medicine. She is an articulate, engaging and authoritative speaker who ably communicates her important public health message."

Charles Kellner
Charles Kellner, MD, Director of ECT Services, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Acerca de Decidí Vivir

En Decidí Vivir, Julie Hersh discute la ironía de su vida con humor y honestidad brutal. A pesar de tener un esposo amoroso, hijos sanos, seguridad financiera, Julie intento suicidarse en tres ocasiones. Con la ayuda de la terapia electroconvulsiva, Julie logró vencer este desorden. Ahora Julie, ya sana, promueve la importancia the la salud mental en colaboración con otro artistas y organizaciones.

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